Raw Halbi Texts

A selection of raw texts (unannotated texts) are available for download.

Texts in Devanagari Script:

Durga in Kathmandu 1971The following texts were typed by language assistants, Durga Ram Kasyap or Chingru Ram Baghel between 1971-74. There may be typing errors in these texts as they are unedited.


The boy and the ox - typed by either Durga or Chingaru circa 1972

The Manji Gond’s son and the ox - typed by either Durga Ram or Chingaru Ram, circa 1972

Chandar Son Raja story (ST-4) - typed by Durga Ram, circa 1972

The king and queen with 7 sons and 1 daughter (ST-2) - typed by either Durga Ram or Chingaru Ram, circa 1972

The king and his 7 childless wives - typed by Durga Ram, circa 1972


Texts in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)

Ghanghar Dhar Raja and Handi Bobti Rani story (3 pages)