pdf DD-32: Old Man, Old Woman and the Chickens #2 Popular

By In Obscene Story Tagged in funny, obscene, trickster 1501 downloads

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A funny story in which an old man tricks his wife into feeding him chicken meat only to have the tables turned on him resulting in his death. This version of the story by Chingaru is slightly different to the one provided by Durga (Old Man, Old Woman and the Chickens (DD-3)).
Information given about this story is that besides being a funny story it is also considered to be slightly obscene बाकना (/bakna/ ) because it uses an obscene yet colloquial term for buttocks टूईं (/ʈuĩ/ ). This type of story can be told to those who are in a cross-cousin joking relationship. If the story teller leaves out then the story is okay to be told to anyone. Another option would be to use the more acceptable term पींडा /pı̃ɖa/ for buttocks which is not a taboo word